Arriving at a Crossroads

I have been teaching for a long time now; this is not my first rodeo. I now believe that every single thing I teach has to matter to you and make a difference in your life.
Arriving at a Crossroads in life is a universal experience. It’s a moment of choice where the familiar meets the new, the known meets the unknown, and illusion meets truth.
Life positions us at numerous Crossroads, and though the reasons vary, they have in common the opportunity to retrieve fragments of ourselves and become a more whole individual. How do we recognize when we are standing at a powerful Crossroads? Are some Crossroads in life more powerful than others? And how do we recognize a fragment of ourselves?
It may seem that the significance of a Crossroad lies in an external life transition, but that’s an illusion. Many of the most profound Crossroads we encounter are within ourselves.
Please enjoy this session from my live workshop “Arriving at the Crossroads in Life” from 2015. If you’d like to see the rest of this workshop, you can click here to learn more »