Balancing the Masculine and the Feminine
Hi Everybody.
I am delighted to talk to you today about an upcoming Reflections Parallel class with Matthew Fox entitled Beyond Patriarchy, and the timing could not be more perfect. Please enjoy this video as I discuss the following:
- The ruling of the Supreme court from an archetypal point of view
- The balancing of the masculine and the feminine in the collective
- How becoming whole is the most intimidating voice ever
As patriarchy evaporates in its ruling system, what is emerging is a holistic world. I have for some time now been teaching that we are undergoing a transformation toward wholeness, that this is the journey where we will be for the rest of our lives and in generations to come.
This class is so unbelievably perfect in terms of its subject, and in terms of its timing. So I invite you to join and just enjoy Matthew’s genius. And I promise you he will take you into areas of thought that have never ever occurred to you, will transform you, and will explode your interior.
p.s. This brilliant course starts July 11 – please click here to learn more »