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The Power of Balance

Nature governs through the Law of Balance. All systems of life are constantly returning to balance. Balance must become a way of understanding life…

Be Useful/Stay Useful

Constant motion is a law of creation. We are always involved in acts of creation. That impulse expresses itself within us as a need to be useful in…

Essential Practices

Harmony, Clarity, Endurance, Kindness, Patience, Silence, Non-action Kindness, patience and all these other qualities should not be understood as i…

Stay Flexible of Mind/Heart/Body

Be like the flow of water, always in movement. This is the nature of life. We must strive to have a flexible mind, a flowing heart, and a graceful …


We live in relationship to everything and every human being that exists. Our well-being depends upon the quality of our relationships and how other…

In the World/Of the World

We are the engines of creation. What is in one is in the whole. What happens to the least of us happens to all of us. As Above, So Below. We must l…

FREE video seminar

The Power of

Spell Casters

Caroline Myss

FREE video seminar

The Power of

Spell Casters

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Caroline Myss