This Election is an Encounter with the Force of Destiny

Hi Everyone,

Well, Election Day has finally arrived. Whew. Today in deciding who will be our next President, we are truly casting a vote for which path of destiny this nation will follow, because symbolically that is the significance of this extremely chaotic, ground-shifting, mind-boggling political campaign. Clinton and Trump are symbols – at least from my perspective – of our collective energies, of all we have done wrong as a nation, of all we are losing within a once high functioning society, of hidden desires to return to eras long past, and of fears associated with going into the unknown. This election also represents what we imagine as our potential for a positive future – but the underlying rage and anger that we witness in so many people tells me that few actually trust that anything will change. They know it in their collective gut and their rage gives voice to their hopelessness and their feelings of helplessness. We all know those feelings these days to some extent.

Like all leaders that have arisen in times of great change – from Mahatma Gandhi to Nelson Mandala to Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt to the nightmares of Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin – such leaders rise on the wild spinning energies of the collective grace and psychic free radicals in the atmosphere that the societies-at-large generate. We are the engines that give life to those that emerge from the crowds. We are the residents of the societies-at-large. Leaders and candidates – whether from the past or Clinton and Trump – are not apples that randomly fall from trees. They are grand reflections of who we are and our responses to this moment in evolution and how we are handling it. They embody our collective values and morals – or lack thereof. Consider that Gandhi lifted the people of India into a conscious awareness of what their anger represented: They wanted radical change and freedom from British rule. Rather than hate each other and the British, he offered a positive means of channeling that collective energy into a positive transition. But like all transitions, it came at a price in the beginning stages because those who were comfortable in the old way, those who liked being superior to the Indian people (aka the British), did not want the system to change. Rulers never want a system to change and they will fight to the death to hold the high ground. But they always – and I do mean always – end up losing. Evolution itself inevitably defeats them.

We have approached that moment in history at which believing in any expression of superiority flows against the course of evolution. We are in the holistic age now. Your own body pulsates with that truth – and your body is the micro reflection of the macro collective Earth. You body will not heal if you do not approach your health – indeed your entire life – from a holistic template. All life systems are directing us to merge into a conscious community of human beings. Our religions are breaking down, our national boundaries our evaporating, and our technology is serving the creation of an intimate humanity. We have to move forward toward wholeness if for no other reason than all the problems we now face – from having the capacity to destroy ourselves through our own foolish nuclear weaponry – to refugees to food and water distribution to climate change and so many more – require every nation’s participation in creating solutions. This shift is epoch is size and scope. I believe it is greatest challenge in the history of civilization itself – the evolutionary leap to become a global humanity. We do not even have a thought in our head capable of seriously considering that. And we ourselves won’t make it to that Promised Land. But that is the path every molecule in us is on, magnetically, psychically and spiritually. All choices that we make that oppose that holistic map run counter to that archetypal map that now governs our psyche and soul.

No wonder this election has driven people to near madness. Deep in the blood and bones of people, they know that this election is not an ordinary one. It is a choice between paths of destiny – one going backwards and one going forwards. Neither person is popular because no one – absolutely no one – wants to be on this path. No one wants to vote for either because no one wants this election to be an encounter with the force of Destiny. But it is. So we can scream about emails or women’s issues or whatever – but that’s all nonsense. Utter blather. The real power is unfolding in the unseen world. Indeed, the power is unfolding in your very biology.

Choose wisely.



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