
In the class, renowned astrologer, Lynn Bell, will take us on a guided tour through the cosmos, as she explains the significance and meaning of planetary movements in our personal lives, as well as the global sphere of life. Lynn presents the language of astrology in grounded, everyday terms and examples, making the influence of the “celestial community” feel remarkably intimate.
Four 90-minute sessions
Tuesdays & Thursdays, February 11-20 • 1 pm EST / 10 am PST
Entering a New Era: Chaos and Opportunities
My compass is the celestial world, and in the celestial world, as every astrologer knows, everything is shifting in ways we haven’t seen for a very long time.
Each planet connects to a different archetypal field, and brings with it shifts in consciousness when it enters a new sign. For the slower moving planets like Uranus and Pluto, this usually happens only rarely. For astrologers, when the slow moving planets shift signs, it signals significant changes for the years ahead. We sway with these heavenly movements, opening to new possibilities. We also lose our footing at times, as the previous social patterns dim and fade.
The sign changes come with a back and forth moment, as waves of inspiration and emerging possibilities flow and recede in the social consciousness. All of us feel the shift, as we turn subtly with the movements of the cosmos.
The changes happen both inside and outside, both collectively and individually. For example, Pluto has just entered Aquarius, an air sign, and we will observe an increasingly collective response from now on of groups of people as well as individuals challenging corporations, such as the health care system.
Presently, not just one outer planet but five of the slow-moving planets (Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto) will enter new signs within an incredibly short window of just eight months. Since each sign change brings in an inner and outer redirection of energetic forces (such as ideas and influences), we may easily feel overwhelmed because many new ideas and possibilities swirl through our lives.
Astrologers have not witnessed such profound cosmic shifts in our lifetimes. The great creation myths tell us that chaos precedes a new birth and we are indeed in a cosmic birth canal.
During the first part of 2025, for example, the world community will likely experience a sense of being pulled backwards and forwards simultaneously, old conflicts are likely to be revisited and our planetary resources will become the subject of note, such as water and food. The confusion and chaos that may well arise signals the end of familiar patterns as well as laying the groundwork for a new beginning. Out of the cosmic waters a spark will arise igniting the collective imagination of humanity to think in ways unimaginable before.
Everyone is already – in some way – feeling or sensing the transformational activity at play in the cosmos. Every one of our lives is a power magnet in the Divine design of this Universe. We are governed by the unseen energetic patterns that have influenced life and its on-going evolution. We are now at a most remarkable turning point, a time of endings and beginnings.
Reflections Parallel – Entering a New Era
Lesson Plan
In the class, renowned astrologer, Lynn Bell, will take us on a guided tour through the cosmos, as she explains the significance and meaning of planetary movements in our personal lives, as well as the global sphere of life. Lynn presents the language of astrology in grounded, everyday terms and examples, making the influence of the “celestial community” feel remarkably intimate.
The following are the four classes that Lynn will be teaching:
Class 1
Tuesday, Feb 11
1pm EST / 10 am PST
Outer Planets moving to Air and Fire
Learning to Fly and Learning by Fire
We are stepping into a time of exceptional change, a time of celestial rerouting. In the next twelve months all the slow moving planets will have changed both signs and elements, a very rare astrological event. And because of this shifting of celestial planetary movements, the cartography of the soul changes.
How to find our direction in a time of change?
The year begins with Mars, the warrior, directing us inward. Mars generates an energy that directs us to consider reviewing what we hold dear and what to protect and defend. We will find ourselves wondering about what is true for each of us, as Mars takes us to a place of vulnerability, and brings us into contact with the tenderness of others.
What You Will Learn:
- How the change in elements propels us into a new relationship with the creative dynamics in the universe.
- When to to go inward, when to action, how to prepare for chaos, and where to find opportunity
- Mars retrograde is a celestial power aspect. We feel this power internally through the emotional swings we experience between courage and fear, action and inaction.
Class 2
Thursday, Feb 13
1pm EST / 10 am PST
Fools Rush In – Neptune in Aries
The planet of collective imagination, Neptune, rushes into fire after fourteen years in the dreamy sign of Pisces, Our sense of certainty, of what is true and truthful, will become a subject many people find themselves discussing with friends and family members, as the subtle influence of Neptune slips into our unconscious.
Angels Fear to Tread
Just before Neptune enters fire, two eclipses occur with strong watery elements, as if a great wave rises just before the new energetic patterns arrive. There is a back and forth, a dialogue of hesitation and regret alternating with a call to courage.
What You Will Learn:
- How to prepare for the rush of Neptune into Fire.
- How Neptune in Aries functioned in previous eras and what it is likely to bring now.
- How to navigate the ebb and flow of action and retreat, to judge necessary action with an inner moral compass.
- The power of the eclipse cycle, the Dragon’s head in Pisces.
Class 3
Tuesday, Feb 18
1pm EST / 10 am PST
A World Dissolves, a new Vision arises.
Neptune isn’t the only planet to enter Aries in 2025. Saturn, the great teacher, will also enter the sign at the end of May. Saturn has a difficult reputation here, for harsh, decisive action, an overreach that is sometimes motivated by fear. It can also describe those who take a stand no matter what the consequences.
The last time Saturn and Neptune shared the same astrological sign, the Berlin Wall fell, and within a few days almost nothing remained the same. That is how quickly and completely an era can end, Saturn and Neptune come together every 35/36 years, The interface between our dreams and our sacrifices swirls together, and we collectively shape a new era.
What You Will Learn:
- The meaning of the 35/36 year cycle of Saturn and Neptune and its remarkable correspondence to past and present events. We will look at how this conjunction our personal and global future shape our futures.
- The dreams and sacrifices that arise when one world dissolves and another takes its place.
- The need to ground faith in a direct manifestation of mystical experience, and to connect with our care for all living beings.
Class 4
Thursday, Feb 20
1pm EST / 10 am PST
Uranus in Gemini: Waking the Mind, Seeing the Split
For the first time in seven years the eccentric planet of awakening will leave the confines of the earth element to enter It’s more natural realm of air. In Gemini, Uranus can bring brilliance and invention but it can also awaken the split between dark and light, good and evil. Gemini is a sign of duality, of twinning, Uranus here can turn brother against brother, sister against sister, It can split the world from its bounds as it did during the Declaration of Independence and The Civil War, as Uranus in Gemini inspires dramatic choices, creating life-changing events. This planetary influence inspires a wider awareness on one hand, but it can push underdeveloped minds into enmity.
What You Will Learn:
- How Uranus in Gemini changed things in previous cycles. And what it will bring to us in the next 7 year cycle.
- Awareness of our own split into dark and light.
- Strategies for understanding, and becoming truly ourselves..
- Everyone will experience the impact of the rumblings unfolding in the cosmos. We are governed by the activity of the cosmos, as if these planets were the mechanisms that give direction to the life force itself. We are most definitely entering into a new era and without a doubt, the combined alchemy of the planets will bring about extraordinary changes in all our lives. This class is meant to give you a preview of this activity, along with a deeper understanding of how intimate our Universe really is.

About Lynn Bell
Lynn Bell is a Paris-based astrologer whose work spans multiple cultures as a speaker, teacher, author and consultant in astrology. As a master consulting astrologer with a multi-layered approach, Lynn’s work combines psychological and spiritual perspectives. Lynn is interested in many aspects of astrology, from mundane cycles to archetypes and mythology, the relation between soma and psyche, to reflection on the psychological implications of traditional astrology. Outside the world of astrology, she has often collaborated with Caroline Myss, and her CMED Institute.
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