Reflections: The Holy Season for Mystics


A series of webinars revealing the deeper, mystical meaning of Christmas Time, the Winter Solstice, Festivals of Light, Hanukkah, and the New Year. Enjoy a feast of inquiries, conversations, meditations, and prayers served up by Caroline and Robert as they share inspiration from the world’s greatest wisdom schools, their favourite Christian mystics, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, A Course in Miracles and more.


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Reflections: The Holy Season for Mystics

A series of webinars revealing the deeper, mystical meaning of Christmas Time, the Winter Solstice, Festivals of Light, Hanukkah, and the New Year.

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About this Reflections Course

Join Caroline and Robert on a sacred journey exploring the mystical meaning of Christmas and the Holy Season.

Long before the Christian celebration of Christmas, ancient societies of all traditions had their rituals and celebrations of the ending of the dark nights and the return of the light. A Divine message was inherent in this cycle of nature: Birth will always follow death; life is forever renewed; after the winter a spring is always promised. Life has been designed to nurture life, to sustain you, even though you will travel through the dark again and again in life.

We are destined to travel through the dark, but we always arrive at the Light. Always. That is how the holy structure of life has been scripted. And therefore, we should seek to understand this mystical mechanism of life, this polarity that takes us to the depths of despair at times and yet, contains the promise that we are always being guided to something new.

This celebration of Light – which is truly an outpouring of grace that renews our connection to the breath of Life Itself – is why the solstice and all other celebrations of the return of the Light are universal. We miss the power and grace of this time of year if we do not take some time to embrace this archetypal cycle animating within ourselves, inviting us to embrace the meaning of holy Light and sacred illumination within our lives.

So, let us take a break from the mad-dash Christmas rush, the late-night shopping, the burnt mince pies, the plastic reindeer toys – all the artificial décor of the holiday season – and connect again to the mystical invitation of a Cosmic Christmas and a Holy Season that belongs to all traditions.

Caroline and Robert will co-host six webinars that take you on a journey from Advent to Epiphany.

Introduction to “The Holy Season for Mystics”
Robert’s introduction to “The Holy Season for Mystics”
Caroline and Robert discuss the Advent season.

Lesson Plan

Enjoy a feast of inquiries, conversations, meditations, and prayers served up by Caroline and Robert as they share inspiration from the world’s greatest wisdom schools, their favourite Christian mystics, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, A Course in Miracles and more.

Lessons One through Six are pre-recorded. Click the tabs below to reveal class descriptions.

“There is a light within you, it is the lamp of the being of God,” says John of the Cross.  The holy season is a time of light. Every great wisdom tradition heralds the coming of light at this time of year. We take Lantern Walks to mark Martimas; we observe Diwali, the Festival of Light; we light lamps to honour Hanukkah; we pay tribute to the Buddha on Bodhi Day; we welcome the Solstice; and we prepare for the birth of Christ.

In our first gathering, Caroline and Robert start with the spirit of Advent and how you can best prepare for this holy season of light.


  • Holy Lamp of Fire! – recognizing the light that gives life to your body, that illuminates your mind, and guides you on your path.
  • Light Will Split You Open – how to welcome, receive and be spontaneously available to the experience of illumination.
  • A Call to Prayer – choosing a prayer and a spiritual practice that helps you say YES to the mystical invitation of the holy season.
  • Parable of the Lamp – increasing your commitment to your sacred contract and being a shining light in the world.

“‘Et lux in tenebris lucet’ – and the light shineth in the darkness,” observed Viktor Frankl, in Man’s Search for Meaning.   Life is a dance between the light and the dark.  You cannot avoid the darkness forever.  Everyone experiences a dark night of the soul at some point.  Therefore, your great spiritual task is to cultivate a relationship to both the light and the dark that is brave, honest, and wholesome. “‎The sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being,” wrote Carl Jung.

In our second gathering, Caroline and Robert examine the anatomy of darkness and how best to grow in the darkness and step into the light.


  • The Nights of Fire – recognizing the necessity for darkness and how best to enter the darkness to prepare you for the coming of light.
  • Treasures Found in the Darkness – changing the way you see darkness so as to experience treasures you didn’t know were there.
  • Light in the Darkness – meeting the holy archetypes that are with you in the darkness, like the Black Madonna and Gyan Yin.
  • A Christmas Tree Meditation – making the holy season a time of healing, forgiveness, and grace.

Meister Eckhart, the great 14th century mystic, wrote, “What good is it to me that Mary gave birth to the son of God fourteen hundred years ago, and I do not also give birth to the Son of God in my time and in my culture?”   The holy season is a time of birth.  It’s a time to pay attention to what most wants to be born in you now.   Caroline and Robert will share personal reflections on both the historical story of Jesus and the Christ Path that Jesus made available to each of us.

In our third gathering, Caroline and Robert present a mystical appreciation of the Christmas Story and how the Christ is wanting to be born in all of us.


  • The Example of Mary – observing how Mary in the Annunciation surrendered completely to her higher calling.
  • Making Room at the Inn – making a space – a spiritual womb – to allow for the birth of new possibilities.
  • The Anatomy of Christos – getting clear on what the Christ is and how the Christ relates specifically to you.
  • The Story of Nicodemus – a mystical interpretation of the meeting between Nicodemus and Jesus in the Gospel of John.

Christ has a cosmic body that extends throughout the universe,” wrote the French cosmo-mystic and theologian Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.  The holy season is a time to enlarge your view of reality and to accept your part in the cosmic story.  The Christ is an invitation to be anointed by what Caroline calls “a cosmic-sized love.”  The Christ is the cosmic love that is greater than every religion – an evolutionary force that is immanent and transcendent in all creation.  The Christ is a cosmic force, not a religious or historic figure.  This is a profound mystical truth – the Christ belongs to no religion but to the Cosmos.

In our fourth gathering, Caroline and Robert examine the pressing need for humanity to widen its circle of love so that we might save ourselves and take our place in the greater story of the universe.


  • The Anthropos Formula – accepting the invitation to be both fully human and fully divine in your ordinary, everyday life.  
  • The End of Suffering – giving up the story of separation, the exile from heaven, the divorce from nature, the estrangement from cosmic love.
  • Hymn of the Universe – connecting to the infinite and eternal qualities of your soul and of love.
  • Beloved Community on Earth – cultivating loving-kindness towards all beings and every species – a love that leaves no one out.

“Each of us has a soul, but we forget to value it. We don’t remember that we are creatures made in the image of God. We don’t understand the great secrets hidden inside of us,” wrote St Teresa of Avila. The holy season is a time of preparation for epiphany and for the revelation of the divine love in you and in all of creation.  This is a time to give up our “useless journeys, our mad careers and artificial values” (a quote from A Course in Miracles) and commit more fully to our sacred contract and holy purpose on Earth.

In our fifth gathering, Caroline and Robert investigate the natural phenomenon of epiphany, revelation, and miracles that is available to you in the most ordinary moments.


  • An Ongoing Epiphany – recognizing that God is still giving birth to creation and God is still giving birth to you!  
  • The Fuel of Miracles – preparing yourself for miracles and familiarizing yourself with the natural laws of God that make miracles happen.
  • Choosing Love over Fear – understanding why love must be chosen in this world so that the power of love can reign on Earth.
  • The Feast of Epiphany – a mystical interpretation of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and of the Three Magi who witness Christ made manifest.

“I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” – Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol.  The holy season is a time for releasing the past, stepping into the present, and creating the future. Jesus described himself as the bright morning star. He named himself as “the son of man” who came to establish a new blueprint for humanity to take us through the darkness into the light, from separation to oneness, from fear to love, from hate to grace, from self-destruction to co-creation with all life.

In our sixth and final gathering, Caroline and Robert offer teachings and practices to help you prepare for new beginnings and a blessed new year.


  • The Holy Imagination – paying attention to what most inspires you in your life right now and being faithful to that inspiration.  
  • The Call of Your Charism – saying a deeper YES to your soul contract, your soul gifts, and to your sacred activism in the world today.
  • Invisible Acts of Power – practising an incarnational spirituality that expresses itself in your work, your service, and your loving kindness.
  • Being More Christ-Like – blessing the world with your loving presence and with your willingness to be a true friend to the world.
Caroline Myss

About Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. Caroline established her own educational institute in 2003, CMED (Caroline Myss Education), which offers a diverse array of programs devoted to personal development and draws students from all over the world. In addition to her written work, Caroline maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule and has produced more than eighty audio/visual products on subjects that include healing, spirituality, personal development, and the study of archetypes.

Robert Holden

About Robert Holden

Robert Holden’s work on psychology and spirituality has been featured on Oprah, Good Morning America, a PBS special Shift Happens! and in two major BBC-TV documentaries. He runs a public program of Enneagram workshops each year and also Leadership & Enneagram programs with clients Dove & the Real Beautiful Campaign, Unilever, Hay House and Google.

Robert is this year’s keynote speaker for the International Enneagram Association annual conference. He has taught Enneagram retreats on Spiritual Growth in Jerusalem, Assisi, Findhorn, Greece and Montserrat (home of the Black Madonna).

He is a New York Times best-selling author of 10 books including: Happiness NOW!, Shift Happens!, Authentic Success, Be Happy, Loveability and Life Loves You (co-written with Louise Hay). His first book of poetry Finding Love Everywhere is published by Hay House (Sept 2020)