Carol Anti


Positive Changes Await You

Carol is a graduate of Caroline Myss’ 2-year, Sacred Contracts’ program and is a Certified Archetypal Consultant . She and her personal archetypes will help you discover your talents, gifts and inner soul through your archetypal patterns. Selecting Archetypes is your first experience in searching and defining your “Sacred Contracts”.

These archetypes are defined as patterns of your behavior and surface in your relationships and life experiences. They influence everything you do. Once you define them, you will see yourself as never before.

Welcome your uniqueness, and the fun begins. Your Archetypal chart interpretations will amaze you.

Carol’s spiritual journey has continuted with Caroline Myss …and St. Theresa of Avila as they led the class through“Entering the Castle” (latest book by Caroline Myss). This study has added to the mystical and healing awareness that Carol brings to your sessions.

You will also find that Carol’s Archetypes, her background in nutritional healing, her intuitive gifts and artistic talents are reflected not only in her daily life, but in her archetypal work as well.

Become empowered & peaceful as you journey with

Your Sacred Contracts

For more information: Contact Carol Anti: or phone (239) 482-0724. It’s quite possible that you may meet her “Artist” as she works with you and your Archetypes. Your inquiries regarding Carol Anti’s work are welcome, and you will quickly see that she loves working with Archetypal energies.

FREE video seminar

The Power of

Spell Casters

Caroline Myss

FREE video seminar

The Power of

Spell Casters

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