Joy Keller-Weidman

Joy Keller-Weidman, President of Holon Consulting, is a human and organizational development consultant who promotes effectiveness by engaging all parts of the system in sharing information, strategies and decision-making around core issues.

Since 1981, Joy has worked to promote creativity, empowerment and collaboration within and among individuals, teams, organizations and communities. Through this collaboration, new insights and awareness emerge, moving the entire system towards greater health and wholeness. Based on self-organizing systems, these collaborative approaches, including dialogue, open space and appreciative inquiry, generate consensus among diverse and complex populations, leading to successful resolutions and change.

Certified by Carolyn Myss in 2003, Joy guides individuals and groups to develop their Sacred Contracts, which contain each individual’s primary patterns of behavior, or archetypes, that influence them in 12 aspects of their life. These patterns offer insight and direction to help make life choices based on the wisdom of one’s spirit. Joy’s additional energy balancing and belief change tools, for which she is certified to use, include Crystalline Consciousness Technique and Psych- K.

Holon Consulting services focus on (1) archetypal consulting & energy psychology (2) life coaching (3) strategic partnering, through shared vision, values, goals & strategies, (4) collaborative change projects, (5) large group forums, (6) team building, (7) collaborative problem solving and (8) innovative meeting design & facilitation.

In one large state agency, beginning in 1997, Joy has helped redesign an internationally recognized Partnering Program and coach its staff to win the Arizona’s Governor’s Outstanding Team Award. She has also been the lead designer and facilitator for 5 Partnering classes, which are benchmarked by other states and countries.

Throughout Arizona, New Mexico and California, Joy continues to build Federal, State, County, City and Tribal Partnerships, which have also been recognized with Partnering Excellence Awards. She also provides guidance to individuals, non-profit & for profit organizations, communities, groups and Boards for visioning, planning and innovation.

If you are interested in a private session, a workshop, or assistance with your team or organization, please contact Joy at 1-800-279-0895.

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The Power of

Spell Casters

Caroline Myss

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The Power of

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