Nola Mark
I am a retired school teacher/counselor and my new career is to serve people in the natural health/energy healing realm. I am a Natural Health Therapist, Reiki Practitioner, Quantum Human Design Specialist and now a Certified Archetypal Consultant! In my current practice, I help people address imbalances in their bodies through a variety of modalities, including Craniosacral Therapy, Emotional Clearings, Light Healing Touch Energy work, Reiki, Flower Essences, Essential Oils, Neural Organizational Technique, Polarity Therapy, Color and Sound Therapy and so much more.
I am so looking forward to incorporating archetypes and Sacred Contracts into my current practice. My inner archetypal journey has opened my eyes to so much of what I am truly here for and what my purpose on this planet truly is. I look forward to helping others find this as well.
Nola Mark
989-280-0375 (text) (email)