Reclaim Holiness in Your Everyday Life

Hi everybody,
I’m especially excited about the topic of “Becoming an Everyday Mystic” because one of things that Mirabai and I share is a passionate love for mysticism, mystics, and the mystical experience. I cannot tell you how important I feel it is to bring this message to the world. We are in the midst of a deep spiritual crisis. We don’t speak about our spirit as having a crisis or as having any needs. This is lost to us. And because it’s lost to us, we’re lost to ourselves.
Please enjoy this conversation I had with Mirabai Starr about tuning into the divine through everyday life, cultivating faith and self-respect through intentional living, and setting intentions to recognize the sacred in ordinary things.
P.S. “Becoming an Everyday Mystic” is going to be a marvelous class and I hope you’ll be able to join us starting Tuesday, June 4.
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