Class 2: The Three Wheels of Life – Sample
Introduction to Sacred Contracts 2

In Sacred Contracts 1 you cast your Chart of Origin, comprised of your set of twelve archetypes and you learned how to interpret your archetypes in their houses. The focus for Sacred Contracts 2 is to work with “the three wheels of life” that represent three distinct levels of consciousness: Chronos, the physical level; Kairos, the present moment; and Cosmic, the meaning and purpose level of life.
You will cast a complete chart using all three wheels and the twelve houses to create a chart with thirty-six archetypes. The chart will be constructed from an intention to transform one aspect of yourself or your life.
We will be working with all three archetypal wheels as we seek guidance for our transformative journey. We are going to use navigation and sailing as our theme. When we set sail on the sea, we can encounter stormy seas as well as calm seas. As you sail, you need to plot your course, you need to navigate your journey and to do this you need to understand your coordinates; you need a map.
If you were doing this course under the direction of Caroline at CMED, you would have been divided into groups and the members of your group would be your crew members for the journey. As you are studying this material alone as a self-paced program, think about who you can invite to become members of your crew. It would be helpful to have support from a spiritual director or fellow students who can be your soul companions as you journey through this process of transformation in your life.
You are going to find your coordinates using your archetypes, the three wheels of life, and the three column model. You will formulate an intention to transform one aspect of yourself. And you will work with this key aspect of yourself in different areas as we sail on the journey. You will plot your course to transformation.
Caroline’s Introduction to Sacred Contracts 2
For your Sacred Contracts Journal
Questions for the journey
Every journey needs a roadmap, so your journey begins with the construction of your roadmap. Formulate a sentence that communicates the core mission for the journey of transformation. To achieve a practical outcome from your chart you need to phrase your intention for casting the chart in a way that leads to a practical response from yourself.
Think about every aspect of your life that is currently shifting, changing, transforming. Ask yourself, What is changing in your life? What do you want to transform? What do you want to initiate?
Remember that your intention for casting the chart should not contain any “so that” or “ands.” Keep it as direct and simple as possible.
1. Complete this sentence and make it concrete: I am going on this journey of transformation to …
Now that you have isolated the one thing that needs to be transformed, answer the following questions:
2. What is motivating you to transform this aspect of your life?
3. How do you know or sense that this aspect of your life must be transformed?
4. How will you and your life change or be changed because of this transformation?
Hold onto all these thoughts as you work through this Class. The key aspect you have identified will be the total focus for the work you do during Sacred Contracts 2.
As you progress you will excavate deeper and deeper into this aspect of yourself, uncovering the insights required to bring about and complete the change in this aspect of your life.
Tomorrow – A sample from Class 3: Fate & Destiny
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