The sacred world knows you’re here and is watching you.

Somewhere in each of you is that same desire to hear God call you by name.

Somewhere in each of you is that same desire to hear God call you by name. I don’t care how you see God. I don’t care what kind of name you want to go with but every single one of you has the desire to know that the sacred world knows you’re here and is watching you.

And every one of you wants to know…

“If I ask for help, you’re going to be there. I’m not sure how your help works, but if I ask for help, you’re going to be there.”

And nothing, I’m telling you, nothing in the world makes you feel as unbelievably safe and secure. Nothing as knowing…

“When I pray you’re there and you work in a way that human beings don’t. And that’s why I need you. I need you to do what the human world cannot do, and I cannot do within the human world. I need you to compensate, to be my multiple sensory system. I need you to do what I cannot do here, but can do with you now.”

Please enjoy this segment from my workshop “Embracing the Wisdom & Grace of Francis of Assisi” presented in Assisi a few weeks ago. If you’d like to see the rest of this workshop – please click here to learn more »

Like most people who experience what it means to “be called” to their life’s vocation, Francis was on an archetypal path of ego-to-soul awakening that is becoming more familiar to mainstream life. In this workshop, I delve into this archetypal journey at length, as I believe so many people can identify with the stages that unfold on it.


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Caroline Myss

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