Today, anything can happen.

Caroline Myss

Hi everybody,

I thought I would do a New Year’s message, and I have to admit I have been struggling with what to say. What kind of message I could give that doesn’t sound pithy because the new year for me is really a time when embrace that whole sense of newness. I love the idea that the holidays are over and now it’s a fresh start. Several years ago, I decided I’d do away with that idea of a resolution, because I’m no good at it. But then I thought, wait a minute, you know what? I’m going to resolve, to bring things into my life, to do things differently. Instead of a resolution like I’m going to lose 40 pounds or I’m going to walk 800 miles a day, I decided that my resolutions would be more like I resolved not to be as impatient as I have been with people or with projects. I’ve resolved to look at my life every day with this idea – that every day is a newness. It’s a brand new experience of my own life. And I wanted to approach my life with that. That is really a high mystical truth, which is every single day is a blank slate. So far as the universe is concerned, it’s brand new. And anything can happen…

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Caroline Myss

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