Efrat Mailhot


Efrat Mailhot

Hararit, Israel

Email: [email protected]

Each one of us came to this life to learn different things and our twelve personal archetypes help us on this journey. Finding our personal archetypes and working with them helps us chart our paths with greater awareness. We learn to find our destiny, receive guidance at every crossroad, and choose the path that most empowers us.

As a Certified Archetype Consultant — the only one in Israel — I combine archetype readings with visualization techniques designed to open the chakras.

I offer individual consultation and group workshops and can be reached at:

Efrat Mailhot

Hararit, Israel

Tel: (04) 6789373

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[email protected]

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FREE video seminar

The Power of

Spell Casters

Caroline Myss

FREE video seminar

The Power of

Spell Casters

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Caroline Myss