Reflections Parallel: Joy – Your most potent medicine



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Reflections Parallel: Joy - Your most potent medicine

In this course, we will learn how Joy is fundamentally different than happiness, how it is accessible to anyone regardless of trauma history, race or gender identity, or financial status, and why to access Joy, you must enter into your body.

Four 90-minute classes • Tuesdays & Thursdays • October 10 – 19 • 6:30 pm ET / 3:30 pm PT

Overview of “Joy – Your most potent medicine

We are at a time of uncertainty, in the world, and in ourselves. Rates of anxiety and depression are at an all-time high on the heels of an unprecedented global pandemic. The climate is suffering, and we are feeling it daily. We are more divided in the world politically and ideologically. War rages, oppression thrives, and suffering continues. You are not broken if you feel lost, disconnected, or powerless. You are human. And you are feeling the impact of the world around you with whatever challenge is moving through your own life. If you are human, you will feel pain.

But you also have the right and capacity to feel Joy…no matter what. And not only do you have that birthright, you may even have a responsibility to seek Joy, as it is the truest Justice you may ever feel. Joy is not selfish or frivolous. Joy is your own revolution. In this course, we will learn how Joy is fundamentally different than happiness, how it is accessible to anyone regardless of trauma history, race or gender identity, or financial status, and why to access Joy, you must enter into your body.

Dr. Sethi is not only an acclaimed expert in Integrative and Mind-Body Medicine, she is a human like you who suffers daily. She is a mother to a child with a fatal illness and yet, she has found that Joy is her most potent medicine. Join her as she dives deep into fundamental concepts and practices that shifted her life from one she wanted to escape to one that she lives in the most authentic and joyful way possible.

Joy – Your most potent medicine

Lesson Plan

Lesson 1:
Tuesday, October 10
6:30 pm ET / 3:30 pm PT

Why Even Bother Seeking Joy?

  • Centering exercise
  • Why Joy is my most potent medicine.
  • Joy as a revolutionary act in the face of challenge and your birthright
  • Joy as a path to safety in the body
  • What is your Deeper Why?
  • What are your mantras/touchstones?
  • What is your Joy?
    – Define it, Notice it, Swim in it
  • Practice: Your Deeper Why

Lesson 2:
Thursday, October 12
6:30 pm ET / 3:30 pm PT

The Science of Joy and Pain

  • Centering exercise
  • Understanding the brain’s Threat Centers/Fear
  • Understanding Stress in the Body
  • Vagus Nerve, the conduit to connection and love
  • Restoring safety and ease in the body
  • Practice: Connecting to our vagus nerve through breath

Lesson 3:
Tuesday, October 17
6:30 pm ET / 3:30 pm PT

Joy Lives in Your Body

  • Centering exercise
  • Embodied Practice, what it is and how to start
  • Why it matters: embodied resistance and healing trauma in the body
  • Getting out of your head and into your body
  • How your Body remembers and can teach you
  • Ways you can practice embodiment easily through your day
  • Practice: Body scan to seek wisdom of your body

Lesson 4:
Thursday, October 19
6:30 pm ET / 3:30 pm PT

Ask more questions, Seek less answers

  • Centering exercise
  • How asking questions stimulates the brain and puts us on a spiritual journey
  • Why Not Me?
  • Why Are you So sad?
  • What is your Truth?
  • Joy is the container for all the questions
  • Practice: What is Your Truth?
Tanmeet Sethi

About Tanmeet Sethi

Tanmeet Sethi, MD, is a board-certified Integrative Family Medicine physician and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine. She has spent the last twenty-five years on the frontlines practicing primary care, working in global trauma, and community activism. Dr. Sethi has devoted her career to caring for the most vulnerable and teaching physicians how to care for these communities in the most humane and skillful way possible. She is a highly sought-after speaker and her TEDx talk offers a radical way to practice gratitude. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Reflections Parallel is a series of live webinars presented by special guest teachers of Caroline Myss. Every series offers transformational concepts, inspiring ideas, spiritual truths, and sacred mysteries that draw you into wondrous states of deep reflection about your life and power you have to redirect your life at any given moment.

Yes – all lessons are recorded. Replays are available on our webinar platform immediately afterward. Within 48 hours, audio and video recordings are posted to, where you will have lifetime access to them.

Generally, only On-Demand workshops and Reflections webinars where Caroline Myss is the featured teacher are automatically included with Inner-Net. However, this Reflections Parallel course will be added to Inner-Net at some point in 2024.

If you have additional questions, you can find our contact page here.