I have emphasized personal power and the need to develop self-esteem throughout my career. In this Reflections class, I will present the stages of self-esteem and the archetypal challenges that are inherent to each of these stages.
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Overview of The Three Stages of Self Esteem
I realized the significance of self-esteem years ago when I began doing medical intuitive readings. For all the many reasons people lost their power in their everyday life, at the end of the day every reason had in common the absence of self-esteem. Later when I taught classes on developing intuition, I confronted a false belief that many people had – and perhaps many still do: That being intuitive was a gift, a special talent that other “ordinary” people did not have. Nothing could be further from the truth. Becoming a clear intuitive is the result of developing self-esteem. If you do not trust your inner self, you will not listen to your inner self.
The truth is no one is born with self-esteem. We have to develop our sense of inner power and we all start out with an external reference point of power as children. Power is “out there” before it is “in here”. We require experience after experience, most of them painful, to finally realize that it is up to us as individuals to protect ourselves. But there is a reason why those experiences are so painful – a topic I will address at length in this seminar.
I have emphasized personal power and the need to develop self-esteem throughout my career. And I have continued to learn about the nature of our inner power, how we develop that deeper part of ourselves, what it requires of us to become empowered, and how empowered choices mature from external ones to the more refined decisions we make within our soul. Those soul choices are by far the most difficult ones. They are also the ones that engage our deepest transformations and healings.
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The Three Stages of Self-Esteem
In this Reflections class, I will present the stages of self-esteem and the archetypal challenges that are inherent to each of these stages. Here is a brief description of each of the three lessons:
Lesson Plan
Lesson 1
Stage One: Revolution
Our desire for empowerment, our need to be ourselves, to find our voice erupts in us. It does not gently surface. It explodes out of a mixture of desperation, repression, fear, anxiety, self-betrayal, and confusion about oneself. Your inner self stages a revolution in some physical way in your life, in your psyche, in your marriage, in your body through an illness, in your sexuality, as a way of making the statement that you can no longer continue in your present life. A new “self” has arisen and that inner part of you will not be repressed, abused, controlled, contained any longer.
Lesson 2
Stage Two: Involution
All revolutions come to an end, even our own. Eventually the obstacles that motivated us to revolt are no longer in our life, either because we moved on or they did. The time comes when we must become that new person, when we must discover who we are and what it is we want to do with all this power that is our inner self.
Lesson 3
Stage Three: Evolution
Stage three represents our evolution into deeper understanding of the nature of inner power, including the power of choice, the power of our words and thoughts, and our relationship to creation. Self-esteem as a protective firewall matures to self-reverence, a deep regard for the power of your soul and all that you are capable of influencing by thought, action, prayer, and love.