Cindee Zerr Franklin
Cindee Zerr Franklin
About Cindee Zerr Franklin:
Mrs. Zerr Franklin was raised in Germany and relocated to Hot Springs, Arkansas in 1996. She is a master massage therapist, certified foot reflexologist, registered yoga teacher, dance instructor, and performing artist. Mrs. Zerr Franklin is a graduate of the CMED Institute with a certification as an archetypal consultant. Her mission is to utilize her own experience of global travel, her studies with world renowned teachers, her physical transformation and spiritual growth in all of her sessions and classes. Having witnessed countless inspiring stories of healing by clients and students on their journeys, she aspires to share this knowledge and wisdom with as many people as she can reach. Mrs. Zerr Franklin is the author of the book Belly Dance Therapy – A Path to Self-Empowerment for Women of All Ages.
““In one of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s bestseller books, he tells the story about accompanying a friend to an AA meeting. During this meeting, his awareness was drawn to a sign hanging on the wall quoting: “Your best thinking got you here!” This quote struck me in a most profound way. Occasionally, I do hear the humming sound of those words when I find myself caught in the web of every-day-life. Then, I try to take a deep breath and remember that what “got me here” is of inferior importance in comparison to what I decide to do from here and how I decide to change my perception of life’s obstacles.
Identifying these personal obstacles is what lays the foundation of archetypal charting and interpretation.
What I love most about this work is that anyone can get acquainted with it wherever they are on their path. This work will never fail to help gain mystical insight as to how the laws of the Universe were always present in one’s life and once realized, how one can read this symbolic law- language. To embrace this profound wisdom and move forward to better know and to better fulfill a spiritual contract is the goal of this work.
My job as a consultant is to offer the client useful pointers on how to read the meaning of one’s faithful archetypal companions and their symbolic language and how to get to work with what is revealed. My intent is to meet every client where they want to begin this journey. I’ll be prepared to listen and to hold the lamp lighting a part of the way””.
“God has no hands, legs, eyes or body other than our own. He moves through our hands, He walks with our legs, He sees through our eyes, and it is He who beats within the heart of each one of us”.