Cindi Gatton

Atlanta, GA

The richness of the archetypal reading is unequaled in the insight it offers about our health, our careers, our relationships, our creative energies, and the whole of the evolution of our lives. I invite you to join me in using this tool to learn more about your own relationship to personal power and learn ways to truly create a richer, deeper, more integrated understanding and experience of your life.

A “graduate” of the first CMED Institute on Sacred Contracts, I was introduced to Caroline’s readings and teaching in 1990 and have been a devoted student of hers, and others in the areas of metaphysics, mind-body health, and the age old question of “Why Am I Here?” ever since. Watching both my mother’s mother and my mother manifest similar illnesses at similar times in their lives led me on a personal journey to understand how the contracts we choose before our birth empower or disempower us in this life time.

I am offering personal archetypal consulting and counseling sessions using Caroline’s archetypal wheel as the foundation for guidance and support. One hour readings may be scheduled for specific issues or concerns. For those interested in exploring their personal archetypes and patterns in greater depth, reading series are also available.

Please feel free to contact me at 404 687 6998.

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The Power of

Spell Casters

Caroline Myss

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The Power of

Spell Casters

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