Donna Flood MA

Understanding WHO you are, acknowledging who you are and expressing your Innate Qualities is what gives you CLARITY, CONFIDENCE & HEIGHTENED INTUITION! Truly “knowing” yourself is what gives you POWER!
Over the last 30 years I have evolved from working specifically in Physical Wellness (fitness & nutrition education) to working with clients in Spiritual Wellness and Growth. I draw on my knowledge, education, and experience in health, psychology, Archetypes and Astrology to intuitively assist my clients on their Spiritual journey towards an overall happier and healthier life. I am a firm believer in Caroline’s teaching that truly “knowing” and understanding who you are is the most powerful thing you can do! We are not born knowing who we are, and the parts we are aware of often get lost in the chaos of life (peer influence, building a career, marriage, parenthood, material responsibilities). Archetypes and Astrology are my favorite tools to work with my clients on their path of Self-Discovery.
I have studied many symbolic languages over the years; Astrology, Tarot, Mythology and Archetypes. I incorporate them all into my work, but what I love about working with Archetypes is that it is so hands on for the client. It is a tool that YOU learn and empowers you with something to work with whether you are going through a challenging time or are working towards manifesting something in your life. I teach classes and work with clients in person (Natal Astrology or Archetype Readings) in the Los Angeles area, however I am also available to work privately or in groups via Zoom or Skype.
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Human Kinetics, a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology, Certified Archetypal Consultant (CMED) and have spent the last 24 years studying, practicing and teaching Evolutionary Astrology throughout North America. I consider Caroline Myss to be my most influential teacher as I have followed her work for over 20 years!
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