Hector Cerbon


Hello and thanks for being interested in browsing my profile. My name is Hector and I live in Mexico City where I run an Institute called Vitae “Vive en Plenitud” (www.vitaevida.com) where I provide Conferences, Workshops and Individual Counseling Sessions on topics related to Self Esteem, Learning to have healthy relationships and Finding our life´s purpose among others. How did I get there? My path in search for meaning has taken me from studying Chemical Engineering and working for Procter & Gamble as a Latin America Regional Leader for almost 12 years (until 1999), to the point where I decided on 2000 to follow the call of my vocation, that requested me to not only attend to workshops and trainings on Human Development, Psychology, Healing and Transpersonal Consciousness but to dedicate my life to these matters.

Today I use in my Conferences, Workshops and individual sessions all the tools that I have found soul transforming through my life´s journey such as: The Gestalt, Carl Rogers Human Development Model, Transpersonal Psychology, Astrology, Ken Wilber´s philosophy, Reiki and of course Caroline Myss Archetypal Model.

If you are interested in a HOLISTIC approach of your life´s journey through the Archetypal Model, enriched with many other tools that have proven to me and to more than 2000 satisfied customers that they are worth to get in to, I will be more than pleased to schedule an appointment with you.

In the continuous search of mutual growth

Hector Cerbon
Phone: (525) 55390044
Email: hcerbon@vitaevida.com

PS: Archetypal Readings are available in Spanish too. Se dan consultas arquetípicas también en Español

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Caroline Myss

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