Archetypes Have Power
Hi Everybody.
I’m doing a little message to you today to talk about my upcoming class that starts in a couple of weeks. It’s called “Our Cosmic Sacred Contract – Exploring the Archetypal Journey that We Share.”
When I tell you that archetypes have power, I mean it. And I know from whence I speak. Reading your personal archetypes, discovering what archetypal patterns you have is the most eye opening trove of wealth inside of you that you can uncover next to figuring out how to get into the whole yourself. This is it.
I have wanted to teach a class in which I talk about your personal archetypes and how events come to pass, how you are to look at them, and then how you can connect to what’s unfolding in the world around you.
As always, with my classes, I create them with the intention of giving you something that will change your life for the better, for the rest of your life. And so because I know that you’re giving me the most valuable thing you can, which is your time and attention, and I treasure that.
So I hope you’ll think about taking this course with me. I am so excited to teach this.
p.s. “Our Cosmic Sacred Contract” starts September 13 – please click here to learn more »