The August 2017 Eclipses & Mercury Retrograde
Astrological Forecast: The August 2017 Eclipses & Mercury Retrograde. Explore:
- The Archetypal Content of August 7th’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius and what it means for you – also why it’s setting the stage for both the upcoming Mercury Retrograde in Leo/Virgo & the massive New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo!!
- How the USA vs. North Korea conflict will be affected by what’s ahead…
- What can cause you to catch a psychic ‘mental virus’
- Why we need to redefine Tribalism in a crucial way to stay empowered
- What patterns and Archetypes are currently activated and how to use them!
- What the Jupiter in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn Energy means for you and how to work with it!
- How the current energies offer you a chance to ‘Free Your Mind’!
- Why it’s essential for you to master the Leo/Aquarius Axis in your Life!
- How to avoid the worst self-abandonment you could engage and live in the Light of Your Destiny!
For those that want to go even deeper, check out my NEW MASSIVE HoloKompass Astrology Series – On sale through August 31!