Practicing Resurrection

Hi Everybody,
I just had a delightful conversation with Robert Holden about our class “The Holy Journey” which focuses on the perennial themes for this time of year.
Spring is such a profound season of renewal. That’s such a huge mystical concept to be renewed, but I think even bigger is the idea of your life as a holy journey. If we look back mystically, I marvel at how the invisible world, the holy world has called people to upgrade how they understand the purpose of their life. From a life of physicalness to a life of companionship and service with the invisible world, and how everybody fights that transition until they get the power of it. I think that’s what makes a person’s journey holy. It’s not just a journey – I think the word journey can throw people off a bit because you’re not going somewhere – it’s that you’re transforming the life you have into this wondrous journey of discovery.
I hope you take a few minutes to enjoy our conversation, and I hope you’ll join us this spring to take “The Holy Journey” which we’re offering at a special price for a limited time – please click here to learn more »