Berenika Kara

Have you ever wondered about the universal mechanics behind your mother tongue? Your mother tongue is impersonal and very personal in the same time.
Impersonal, as you had not chosen consciously the language which has become your mother tongue, nor the culture of which it is part of, nor the cultures it has inherited it’s elaborate grammar, syntax, orography from. You haven’t chosen the way to build the sentences either – you communicate and build your personal expression and communication style based on pre-existent forms and structures which have hundreds of years of heritage and evolution behind them. Most of the time you don’t even know why you speak the way you do – why you pronounce consonants and vowels in certain way, why you use prefixes and suffixes in given way, how many conjugations and declensions your language have, what’s the source of the idioms which are so natural and obvious to you. You might not even know what conjugation and declension are and yet you use them correctly every time you open your mouth, write a sentence, formulate a thought – you just operate this complex machine which is your tool of communication with yourself and with the world instinctively, subconsciously and, most of the time, without any conscious attention. Like breathing – in this way, your mother tongue is very personal to you because it is at the core of who you are and how you express yourself as human being.
The Archetypes are the mother tongue of your Soul – this is the language in which she communicates to your Spirit, this is the language in which the agenda with it’s bullet points for this incarnation has been written and your Spirit translates this language to your everyday reality and consciousness via the symbols and patterns which are the expressions of the Archetypal. Even if you are not aware of your Archetypes, you still live them, breathe them, express through them and create your life through their pre-existent patterns in the same way as you communicate in and identify with your mother tongue fluently without need to think about it or understand it’s structures. Being aware of your Archetypes is not necessary for your survival, however getting to know and understand the archetypal patterns, which basically are the project managers of your entire life, is enlightening and enriching experience as it gives you an insight into the dynamics behind the law of attraction, cause and consequence which are the forces pulling the strings of your life. It is indeed an insight into the dynamics behind your fate & destiny, into your Sacred Contract.
As educated linguist (Bachelor & Master’s degree in French Language and Literature), fluent in 3 languages (Polish, French, English and thanks to Caroline Myss, now also Archetypal) passionate about the deep spiritual practice and prayer life and fascinated by the internal mechanics of human psyche (adept of Spiritual Response Therapy method – SRT ), I will be happy and honoured to be your guide into the understanding of the archetypal language of your inner world: it’s dynamics, it’s structures, it’s patterns which altogether direct your life, which support & challenge you in your dreams and goals and which are personal to you but in the same time are rooted in the collective. Just as the mother tongue you speak…