Gina Maria Opalescent


Discovering your archetypes and how you can work with, not against them, is a way of learning the topology of your Soul. Once you become more versed and comfortable with your own landscape, archetypal currents provide a much greater understanding of you, of how these forces work within their own houses, how the interact in different houses and how they can affect your relationships to those around you. I am committed to assisting you learn about and see your own Sacred Contract.

I received my certification from CMED, Caroline Myss Education, graduating in Oct. of 2009 after vowing to myself, about 10 years earlier, that someday I would study with her. The world has never looked the same.

I graduated from UW-Madison with BAs in Political Science, with a focus on Political Theory, and Spanish, with a focus on Spanish Literature. My love of reading is what really brought me to see the world through Archetypal eyes. I spent 15 years in Spain which greatly enhanced the ability to see the world, its people and cultures with a sense of child-like wonderment and fresh eyes.

I have always had distinct characteristics of the Scholar, Student, Guide. Lately people ask if I am a Life Coach. They must be seeing that archetype coming out. She has been activated through this work and is the perfect companion to empowering people through this process of self-discovery.

Also, having my own significant health challenge, I greatly understand what you might be going through.

I am located in Northeastern Wisconsin and am very accessible via numerous video conferencing programs for face-to-face sessions. Please contact me by email at with ARCHETYPES in the subject. I am honored to hear from you and welcome your inquires!

You can access my website and blog at

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The Power of

Spell Casters

Caroline Myss

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The Power of

Spell Casters

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