Linda Marie

Linda Marie, Th.D., Medical Intuition, Ph.D., Energy Medicine, MS Administration
Archetype Education and Analysis, Specializing in Depression
Author: Archetypes to the Rescue: Your personal key toward combating depression
Received certificate of completion from the Caroline Myss Education program, September 2005, after participating in the Sacred Contracts series of workshops.
Received Ph.D. in Energy Medicine from the Universal University for Holistic Spirituality in June 2005.
Earned doctorate in theology with emphasis in medical intuition, graduating with honors, from Holos University Graduate Seminary, September 2004.
Graduated from The Science of Medical Intuition Program in March 2004, after studying professionally for 5 years with Drs. Caroline Myss and C. Norman Shealy, founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association.
An ordained minister through the Science of Mind Church for Spiritual Healing founded in 1973.
Certified Aromatherapist (including Reflexology applications) from Ohio Academy of Holistic Health.
Certificates received in multiple levels of Pranic Healing (Basic, Advanced, Psychotherapy and Crystals), including Clairvoyance and Level 1 Arhatic Yoga with Grand Master Choa Kuk Sui.
Government executive for twenty years including three years teaching management and leadership at the University of Kansas. Was administratively responsible for up to 1600 people and managed multi-million dollar business accounts. Spent six years living in Europe.
A born Intuitive studying in the field since 1988. Known for her contagious laughter, down-home style of communication, and ability to find the humor in life situations.