Lyne Charland is a long time student of the work of Caroline Myss. In 2004 Lyne completed studies in Sacred Contracts and Archetypal Consulting at the Caroline Myss Institute, CMED (Caroline Myss Education), and is a Certified Archetypal Consultant. Lyne is currently involved with the Caroline Myss Institute, as a CMED Angel for CMED 2 & 3 course studies. Lyne has also completed work in the Medicine Ways of the Yaqui Traditions with Lench Archuleta in the Sonoron Desert of Arizona. She is currently involved in further study in the Medicine Teachings of the Yaqui Traditions.
For the last eleven years Lyne has operated a private practice called Creating Results Inc., with locations in Lawrence, MA and Nashua, NH. Lyne integrates Western and Eastern philosophies of natural healing to provide the most appropriate information as she guides individuals toward achieving wellness. Lyne speaks French fluently and her background also includes Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Ericsonian Hypnosis, Grace-Hands on Healing and 18 years of extensive research, study, and practice into the field of holistic health. Lyne is pleased to announce that she is expanding her services to include Sacred Contracts, Archetypal Consulting and I-Health®, Energy Assessment (EDA) & Therapy System.
* Exploring your Sacred Contracts will shine a light on the purpose and meaning of your life. You are meant to do certain tasks, and you are meant to have certain relationships. Each event, each person in your life embodies an energetic fragment of your own psyche and soul. * Caroline Myss
If you would like to better understand this statement, especially how it relates to your life, Sacred Contracts, Archetypal Consulting is for you. A Sacred Contract is an agreement your soul makes before you are born, a promise to do certain things for yourself, for others, and for divine purpose. Most importantly, your contract requires that you discover the purpose and meaning of your life – “what it is that you are meant to do”.
Archetypal Consulting will help you to see your life symbolically (symbolic sight). Symbolic sight is a skill of seeing “how” the events in your life have been put in your path as opportunities to empower yourself and others rather than a life filled with burdens and power struggles. It is a method of working with your energy to heal emotionally, spiritually, and sometimes physically. Exploring the language of symbols (archetypes) brings new meaning to your experiences and reveals valuable insight on life, relationships, challenges, and personal victories. Incorporating Caroline Myss’ teachings on universal energies, the chakras, archetypes, and Sacred Contracts, offers the opportunity to heal the wounds of personal history and the “choice” to re-script an entirely new future. The Sacred Contracts Archetypal Consulting course work with Caroline has been a profound journey into the self, “individuation”.
I-Health Energy Data Acquisition (EDA) & Therapy System is the New Generation in “Electro-Dermal Assessment” (EDA) or bio-energetic assessment, a non-invasive analytical tool that uses a highly sensitive instrument to measure energetic disturbances in the energetic fields of the body by testing measurement points on the fingers and toes gathering information for all the major organ systems. In the fifties, two German scientists Dr. Voll and Dr. Werner developed a method with which they could measure the energy flow of the body. The most impressive test-run of the energy analysis system was in the eighties and nineties, the Russian Space Agency re -engineered this method and used it in long term space travel, a 345 day non-stop world record space flight, the ‘Mir’, in order to keep their cosmonauts healthy and fit. Upon return to earth, the cosmonauts had an unusually healthy condition and tests revealing good function with far less than the usual degenerative problems (National Geographic Jan. 2001). I-Health, a Dutch firm, integrated this analytical tool with its own therapeutic systems (Wellness Programs / Raymedies®), forming a new approach for health care: interactive ‘digital medicine’, the application of supplementary bio-energetic frequencies (electromagnetic waves patterns and light color sequences) that are not invasive and do not require medication.
The I-Health System can evaluate where energetic imbalances may be occurring on many levels; a symptomatic (physical level), and mental and/or emotional energy blocks which may be impeding the natural free-flow of the body energy. An I-Health Wellness session can show where an individuals energies are out of balance, to what degree the imbalance is occurring, and can administer therapy, supplementary bio-energetic frequencies called Raymedies®, to support them back to a greater state of resonance (bio-energetics) in body, mind, and spirit, for healing purposes and well-being. The basis of the system has been derived from traditional Chinese Medicine, a tradition of more than 5,000 years. Disease (dis-ease) can be traced back to a disturbance in bio-energetic cycles, the energy levels of the physical body and patterns, and can be supported accordingly. This means that we are supposed to be healthy when our body is in energetic harmony. In such a situation our cells and immune system possess the optimal capacity to resist any hostile influence or disease. Every disease starts with a disturbance of energy.
For more information please call 603-438-6865 ~ 978-685-8418 or