Mary Yule

East LaHave, Nova Scotia, Canada

We are all intuitive. With an awareness of the energetic patterns (archetypes) that are around us, we begin to tap into the collective unconscious and our own innate wisdom and intuition.

As a Certified Archetypal Consultant and professional Life Coach and Teacher, I combine my extensive knowledge of archetypes and the gift of intuitive insight to help you gain clarity about your life purpose, or Sacred Contracts.

By giving Intuitive Archetype Card Readings, I can work with you to help you understand your own unique set of archetypal patterns for a happier, more purposeful life.

Contact information:

Mary Yule
Archetypal Coaching and Guidance
East LaHave, Nova Scotia, Canada
(902) 990-0262

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The Power of

Spell Casters

Caroline Myss

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The Power of

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