Michelle Holling-Brooks

Hi! I’m Michelle Holling-Brooks and I’m the founder of Unbridled Change, a non-profit organization. Since 2008, we have been providing a sacred place for finding hope, healing, and growth. I have been a professional in the field of healing and personal growth for over 20 years, and as a Practitioner and Certified Archetypal Consultant one of my core beliefs is that there are many different pathways or doors one will walk through along their healing and growth journeys, and that all of them lead eventually to the same destination. I believe the destination we are searching for is an embodied connection with aligning our lives to our beautiful divine soul’s essence and purposes. I also believe the best way I can support your healing and growth journey is by being a guide and spiritual coach that assists you in uniquely weaving together customized support to meet your individual needs and background and find the paths that are right for you. As a result of these believes I offer a few different “pathways” for my clients to walk through at Unbridled Change – from exploring your relationship with your archetypes in partnership with our amazing healing herd of horses via Equine Partnered Coaching or with one of the different modalities we offer at Unbridled Change such as stand-alone (in-person or distance) Archetypal Consulting and Spiritual Coaching.
One common theme you will find in all the programs I offer is exploring and working with the archetypal energies that are apart of all of us. Learning to see and work with the world of archetypes through Caroline’s model has totally changed my life! While I had a solid background in healing via the mind and body, I was missing a major piece of the puzzle – the soul. Learning her work brought me into a place where I finally was able to embrace and reconnect with my soul purposes and essence leading me to finally feel whole. This work has unlocked my soul’s mojo and ignited my inner healer, and I have witnessed it do the same with my clients.
While this work is never done, I can honestly say I’m co-creating my amazing, authentic life with the Divine! Every day, I’m blessed and honored to have the opportunity to serve my divine purpose of providing a sacred space to guide and empower others on their path of unbridling their amazing divine light and purposes too!
If you feel called to know more about me or my services, please check out my website, reach out, and/or sign up for a free consultation call to explore more about how I can support you.
Offering light and joy to you on your journey, Michelle