Stephanie J. Durham

Stephanie has worked in the corporate environment for more than 25 years serving as Chief Financial Officer, Administrator and at times the Human Resource Manager along with the many other duties required in owning and operating your own business. In recent years, as her company has grown, Stephanie’s longtime interests have had the opportunity to blossom. Following a particularly dark period in her life, she was introduced to a fellow who encouraged her to refine her talents as a mediator, consultant and intuitive coach. After attending a lecture presented by Caroline Myss, PhD, bestselling author and medical intuitive, Stephanie committed herself to complete the CMED Institute program.

Stephanie is now scheduling workshops, providing private consultations to both business managers and individuals utilizing archetypal language & interpretation.

These workshops are helpful not only for personal growth but for corporate health as well.

Business owners and corporate managers are now afforded the opportunity to expand their interpretation and begin to use simple, easy to learn, basic tools to help create a healthy and informed organization.

Stephanie’s extensive knowledge in corporate structure, administrative and operational demands, combined with personnel and human resource needs make her extremely comfortable and beneficial to any company or person wishing to gain a greater insight in using archetypal language.

Good communication in our home and work place brings clarity of our life’s contract.

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The Power of

Spell Casters

Caroline Myss

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The Power of

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