Vanessa Long
Are you afraid that if you followed the urgings of your heart and soul that there would be terrible consequences? Do you know that you’re here to change the world but you’re not sure how?
Are you unable to take the next big step? Do you always seem to stop short of your goals or replace them with busy-work?
Or do you set yourself up as the victim, waiting to be taken advantage of and giving your power to others, instead of living the life of your dreams?
Hi there, my name is Vanessa Long, and I’m the Creator of Discovering Your Passionate Purpose, and the Seasons of Success Seminars.
I know that these are the hard questions, and I avoided them for many years. But I have learned that answering these questions and moving beyond them is what makes life truly amazing.
Look to yourself and ask, “How’s this working for me? How does it feel to me? What if what I’ve been taught to believe is limiting my ability to realize my potential?”
Our challenge is to find the sacred in the world around us. Right here and right now. To become the people we were made to be.
Our work together will provide you the tools, inspiration and guidance you need to better understand your own Divine Nature and how to uncover your Life Purpose using Archetypal Life Coaching based on Caroline Myss’ Sacred Contracts.
We have the Coaching program you need, whether you have a specific question or are interested in a deeper exploration of your Life Purpose and Archetypal journey – short-term, crisis, and long-term programs are all available. We also have 1-on-1 and MasterMind programs to ensure that you make all the progress you desire.
I’ve been in the holistic health field for over two decades and, as a personal trainer, reflexologist, energy worker, and Coach I’ve learned that while change and freedom are absolutely attainable, they will never happen if we cling to the way it has always been.
Please join me on this delicious adventure to discover the life you were meant to live. Please visit to get started.