Reflections: Help


A Special 2-Day Reflections Series. Wednesday & Thursday, September 21-22, 2016

Help is one of those four-letter-words that is curiously difficult to say when it’s in the form of a request. Most people tell me that it’s not easy for them to ask for help. Offering to be of help, on the other hand, comes much easier to people. In this Reflection’s Seminar, we will explore this topic further along with suggestions on how to be helpful as well as how and when to ask for help.

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The Reflections Online Institute is a series of live webinars presented by Caroline Myss.


The Reflections Online Institute offers transformational concepts, inspiring ideas, spiritual truths, and sacred mysteries that draw you into wondrous states of deep reflection about your life and power you have to redirect your life at any given moment.

As part of your registration, you get lifetime access to audio and video recordings of the seminars. Past Reflections series are also available for purchase.

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