The Journey of Empowerment

Caroline Myss

Hi, Everybody,

It’s time for an archetype video. At the beginning of this year, I said I would do videos on archetypes and archetypal experiences inherent in our lives. This morning, I was reminded of one of them: the archetypal journey of self-empowerment. Every one of us is on this journey.

Our first stage of empowerment in the physical world is “What will help me survive?” But eventually, we’re led to inner empowerment or the power of the soul.

This transformation shifts our journey from our love of power in the outside world to the power of love and its capacity to change everything. This is the universal archetypal journey of life. It’s all about discovering what kind of power you want—the power to take or the power to give, the power to transform or the power to destroy. True empowerment is the capacity to use your many gifts to empower the life of another person. That is our real highest calling, and it is archetypal and universal.

That’s it. That’s all life is. And it was wonderful to be reminded of that today.

Thank you for listening.


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