The Personal Liberator

Hi, Everybody –
I’m going to do an unusual, archetypal video today. Unusual for several reasons.
First, I will start by referencing Etty Hillesum’s life and her journal and diary. The subtitle is “An Interrupted Life and Letters from Westbrook,” a concentration camp in Holland. The archetype we’ll go into is the Liberator, but not the Liberator in terms of liberating others, but self-liberation, which is a different twist on this archetype.
The Personal Liberator is the archetype identified in our pursuit of personal empowerment. Personal empowerment is part of the quest for self-liberation.
In this era of self-empowerment, we need to understand the difference between the search for self-empowerment and the quest to self-liberate. While one stage of personal empowerment is the capacity to manage the chaos of the outside world, the more challenging work is liberating yourself from interior patterns and voices that have authority over you.
I will leave you thinking about personal liberation, the freedom to see people in their beauty, and the freedom to see the world the way you want. Nothing on the outside can control your capacity to liberate yourself because you control that on the inside. That’s the real power, the power of you.
Thank you, everybody.