The Seven Graces – Fortitude

The grace of Fortitude refers to a quality of courage that goes well beyond the kind associated with standing up for ourselves, or even, as the dictionary defines fortitude, the strength to bear misfortunes or pain calmly and patiently. The grace of Fortitude is essential for those who have awakened, for example, to the challenges of their highest spiritual potential.

When you are working within the field of Fortitude, you may end up in a situation in which you have no choice but to help out. Some form of humiliation is often part of the picture, so you face obstacles that will humiliate you while you are trying to ground your vision in everyday reality. The reason for the humiliation is mystical in that you are forced to relinquish your personal vision of how something should be accomplished, allowing for the divine plan to be set in motion.

Through some unforeseen turn of events that usually marks the beginning of divine intervention, something or someone will help you succeed in ways that you could never have anticipated. The success may not be huge by earthly standards, but following the humiliation, if you continue with Fortitude in the face of adversity, inevitably the most appropriate expression of success will unfold.

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