The Seven Graces – Wisdom
This grace, in its purest form, reveals guidance about who you are, how you are living, and how you are using the power of you creative soul, which is a much different perspective from that of human reason. Reason seeks personal justice, as if we have been wronged in some way. Wisdom assumes that no action is intended by the Divine to harm us; yet all actions must include the active ingredients of human consciousness in the constant balancing of yin and yang, the positive and the negative.
The grace of Wisdom also expresses itself through the experience of personal revelation. The grace of Wisdom comes to everyone, not only to highly evolved souls with big followings. Wisdom dictates that the more you are seen, the less noise you should make.
Wisdom is the choice that recognizes pain and suffering as part of the human experience. It is inevitable that we will cause each other to suffer in some way. It is wise to recognize yourself in everyone else. Seek the wise response in all events in your life.
What wisdom is hidden in this?
What is the wise way to respond?
What changes are happening that are necessary?
What changes am I fighting that are bringing me pain?
If I am in pain, am I taking something personally that has nothing to do with me?
Am I blaming someone for something that would have happened anyway?
Caroline Myss