The Wanderer & Explorer

Caroline Myss

Hi everybody,

Time for another archetype. This week I’m going to be blending a couple of archetypes that are from what you could think of as an archetypal family, if you will. I’m going to focus on the wanderer and the explorer, because these two archetypes have a lot in common, and yet, they are unique.

Personally, I don’t want to explore things at the physical level. I have no desire to do that. But wandering and exploring at the inner level, or the psychic level is a different thing entirely. That’s a different journey. That’s the interior journey. That’s the journey that I think far more people can relate to than deciding they want to hike up the side of, you know, an unknown mountain or something.

I wish you treasures, gobs and gobs of treasures at a new inner treasure hunt. And wandering about the domain of the wondrous world behind it.

With love,

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