Igniting Enthusiasm for the Sacredness of Your Life

Caroline Myss

Hi Everybody.

When I first started to teach Sacred Contracts years and years ago, it was before I had a relationship to mysticism. Before my own inner mystical world kind of exploded the way it did, and reshaped me and reshaped my relationship to how I understood the nature of life and the nature of the divine, etc.. Of course, that has had a tremendous impact in what I’ve written and what I’ve taught since – going on to teach and write about prayer and about grace and about the soul.

When I now teach Sacred Contracts, the impact that all of that has had on how I want to teach this is like shining a new light upon a field so familiar to me. It’s making it look even richer, and more in depth, and more complex. Because I understand it differently than when I first introduced it many years ago.

So with that said, I am bringing a more mystical perspective to it, as my way of hopefully igniting in you a deep enthusiasm for yourself, for the sacredness of your life. For you to explore the possibility – if not the probability – that everything about your life is in fact quite extraordinary.


p.s. “Our Cosmic Sacred Contract” is in progress and I hope you’ll join us for the rest of the workshop – please click here to learn more »

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Caroline Myss

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