Look Deeper Within
I am so excited to talk to you about our upcoming CMED class. What started as the Mystical Spring is now moving into The Mystical Year with a class taught by my dear friend and wonderful colleague Robert Holden. Robert is a British psychologist and also the author of numerous books on the subject of love and personal transformation, and he is a master teacher. Through the years I’ve gotten to know Robert I discovered that he is an expert teacher on the Enneagram.
Mysticism is not just a personal rich experience – a mystical view includes understanding the mystical tools of the cosmos and the mystical landscape in which we live. And there are tools that allow us to crack the codes, to look deeper within the mystical fabric of life. Astrology is one such tool and the Kabbalah is another tool – and so is the Enneagram.
Spiritual Growth & The Enneagram starts August 10 – I hope you will join us. Please click here to learn more »