
Spiritual Direction I – Pebbles in the Well

Original price was: $175.00.Current price is: $125.00.

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A Special Offer for Winter of Wellness 2016

Save $50 on this Spiritual Direction series. 6 sessions, a total 9 hours of video, plus worksheets and downloadable audio for each session.

Spiritual Direction Part I – Pebbles in the Well
In the first six-week-course, Pebbles at the Well, you are introduced to the imagery of a sacred Well within you, an inner meditation space. You are guided to imagine dropping a pebble into your Well as your connecting inner focus point. Drawn to your inner Well, your only instruction is to “listen, just listen” to the beginning silence where you meet your soul. You are introduced to Spiritual Direction in this first course by examining the most commonly asked spiritual questions about life purpose, personal beliefs, values, doubts and challenges about the nature of God, and inner guidance.

I have organized this six-part Reflections series on Spiritual Direction to be as personal a class as I can. My intention is to speak to you as if I were your spiritual director, introducing you to how to establish an inner dialogue with your spirit and how we would proceed from that point if we had a one-on-one spiritual director-directee relationship.

Every class will begin with a lecture on expanding your understanding of your interior self as well as the nature of contemplation and personal reflection and guidance. Then I will present questions for self-examination, first discussing the importance of each question and then offering examples of how each question might apply to your life. I will provide you will personal exercises to do between classes via journaling, as well as suggested readings.

Finally, let me say that Spiritual Direction is a form of sacred dialogue that can be found in all traditions. It is not, in other words, Catholic or Christian. Every single person is in need of another person with whom he or she can speak “truth” or go to when that individual has lost the capacity to even identify the truth in one’s own life.

Spiritual Direction is a way of keeping your finger on your own pulse, your own moral conscience, your own integrity, and your own calling in this lifetime. This is not an easy world to live in. It is one filled with chaos and vague rules. We are the ones in charge of ourselves for the most part. But regardless of how chaotic or technical or sophisticated a world we live in, we cannot change our basic nature. We thrive on truth and we disintegrate when we live a life of betrayal, especially to our own being.

Spiritual Direction is a way to speak truth again.


Buy Now – $175.00 $125.00

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