The Victim: Cultivating Compassion


The victim in the light builds inner fortitude, helping you overcome fear and suffering.

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The Victim

Cultivating Compassion

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“Archetypes In Depth” with Stacey Couch

The victim in the light builds inner fortitude, helping you overcome fear and suffering.

In this four-part audio course, Stacey Couch reveals the astounding spirit of the victim archetype. You no longer have to feel powerless in the face of criticism. Becoming a compassionate force frees you from trauma. Join Stacey and explore boundaries and forgiveness – stepping out of hurt and into a powerful, loving heart.




This is a four-part audio course with a PDF course workbook with eight self-reflective exercises.




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Full Description

Nobody wants to be the victim, yet everybody has the victim archetype. It is tied to our survival, and there is no way out of it. Victimhood is a universal human experience. Everyone encounters suffering, loss, trauma, violation, and pain. Just as we’re imprinted with the pattern of suffering, we also have the coding to endure the unimaginable.

All archetypes have a shadow and a light side. The shadow victim is well known for her powerlessness, pain, and self-pity. We all know what it feels like to be attacked physically, verbally, emotionally, and energetically. We don’t like it, but we can’t stop it. That doesn’t keep us from trying to set boundaries and scramble for ways to defend ourselves.

When we experience a violation, we can’t help but strike back, hold grudges, be mean, harbor resentment, and openly or secretly punish the other person. All of this, being both victim and victimizer, falls under the shadow of the victim archetype.

It is one thing to recognize that you do these things and another to understand the motivation driving this instinctual behavior. In this course, Stacey walks you through the ways we experience hurt and the reasons why we inflict it. You come to understand the underlying unmet need that drives the victim in the shadow.

Boundaries (Physical and Energetic)
We talk about boundaries all of the time. Some major myths are circulating about how boundaries work and why setting them is so important. We get very confused about boundaries in the energy realm. We lose power trying to establish and defend energetic boundaries. With the help of the victim archetype in the light, you learn not to get in other people’s business and to give up trying to control what other people do. The truth is you must stay within your territory of kindness. The victim in the light helps you be with and mend your hurt so that your trauma stops inflicting pain.

Forgiveness is a vital component of the victim in the light. There are things you can do to forgive, but just deciding you are over what happened isn’t enough. Stacey outlines essential steps to forgiveness while also waiting for the grace of forgiveness to be granted. The victim in the light understands that forgiveness is a healing grace and helps you open your heart to this grace.

Self-Esteem as Fortitude
Caroline Myss describes the victim archetype in the light as your “Guardian of Self-Esteem.” By looking closely at how you understand and build self-esteem, you can step out of the constant back and forth of high and low esteem. The victim helps you know esteem in its highest form as not just courage, but as fortitude.

True self-esteem is the inner resiliency to overcome life challenges and crises, and the ability to bounce back from trauma. When self-esteem merges with the grace of fortitude, you have the courage to endure any adversity. This highest embodiment of the victim in the light magnifies the power of your soul.

The opposite of harming another is to have a deep regard for them. The light side of the victim is compassion. Compassion is the desire to alleviate suffering. The victim archetype calls you to reduce the pain you cause and to tend to others with kindness. What is in one is in the whole. It is not enough to simply care for other people. You must also be compassionate towards yourself. The victim is a compassionate force for all of life, including and starting with you.

We live in a culture of self-judgment and self-criticism. Many of us are harder on ourselves than we are on others. Self-victimization must end, but not in favor of self-inflation or narcissism. The victim archetype knows this will not do. She knows that you must have the same compassionate heart for yourself as you do for the world. She opens you up to the infinite Source of all compassion. This course, “Cultivating Compassion,” ends with an invitation to walk into the arms of the compassionate Divine and merge your heart with hers.

The victim archetype is one of the four survival archetypes identified by Caroline Myss in her work Sacred Contracts. Each of us travels with the four essential survivor archetypes from birth to death. They are the victim, saboteur, prostitute, and child. The survivors are the foundation of what it means to be human.

What Is Included
In this online class, “Cultivating Compassion,” Stacey Couch gives an in-depth definition of the light and the shadow of the victim. She takes you through the powerful building metaphor taught by Caroline Myss and applies it directly to the victim archetype. You’ll see that it’s not merely a matter of being in the light or the shadow but working your way from the shadow to the light in a series of stages.

Stacey identifies the key themes of the shadow victim beyond simply being hurt. These include defense strategies, boundaries, rules, respect, consent, forgiveness, self-esteem, fortitude, and compassion. She draws from research-based texts as well as spiritual teachings old and new. You’ll be surprised at the educational material on the victim archetype that isn’t labeled as such. The good news is that you don’t need to read it all. Stacey synthesizes, extracts, and adds to the content in an easily accessible way.

This course helps you let go and move on from past hurts, giving you the steps you need to move into the light side of the victim. The course culminates in a discussion of the victim’s spiritual significance as the Guardian of Compassion. You’ll hear spiritual teachings in a new light as they apply to this survivor archetype.

This four-part pre-recorded audio course covers the following:

  • The fight/flight/freeze response
  • A discussion on physical and energetic boundaries
  • Defining your rulebook
  • A look at why we harm others
  • Understanding the drama triangle
  • The victim in the light through the four stages of the building
  • The importance of staying in your business
  • Dealing with boundary violations
  • Steps to forgive
  • How forgiveness happens
  • An evaluation of the self-esteem trap
  • Shifting from self-esteem to fortitude
  • The elements of compassion
  • The need for self-compassion
  • Encountering compassionate goddesses

Course Outline

Session 1: You’re Either the Victim or the Villain

Session 2: The Victim in the Building

Session 3: From Boundaries to Forgiveness

Session 4: Cultivating Fortitude and Compassion

What is a Survivor Archetype?
The victim archetype is one of the four survival archetypes identified by Caroline Myss in her work Sacred Contracts. Each of us travels with the four essential survivor archetypes from birth to death. They are the victim, saboteur, prostitute, and child. The survivors are the foundation of what it means to be human. We typically identify the survivor archetypes through their shadow first, and the prostitute is a key example of this. And let’s face it, they also have unsavory names. Really, who wants to discuss their prostitute archetype or admit they play the victim? We all sabotage ourselves, but would rather stop altogether than get to know this side of our character. On the other hand, each survivor has a light, positive side that unlocks the power of our soul. Learning to co-create with the light side of the survivor archetypes is the key to living an authentic, empowered life.

What are Archetypes?
Archetypes are universal patterns of power that coordinate how we think and feel. All we have to do is say “angel” or “hermit”, and instantly, others know what kind of person we are talking about. This is indicative of the amount of power that each archetype contains. The Greek origin of the word “archetype” comes from the words archē, meaning “beginning or original” and typos, meaning “pattern, model or type”. Thus, an archetype is the original or first pattern from which all others are made. On the other hand, each survivor has a light, positive side that unlocks the power of our soul. Learning to co-create with the light side of the survivor archetypes is the key to living an authentic, empowered life.

Stacey Couch
About Stacey

Stacey L.L. Couch is a Spiritual Director, Certified Archetypal Consultant (CAC), Certified Shamanic Practitioner (CSP), and published author. Those of you in the Sacred Contracts Online course are likely already familiar with Stacey as she’s lead the program for years. She has mentored and evaluated hundreds of Sacred Contracts Online students, lectured at Caroline’s workshops, and worked as a spiritual director for CMED students. Now Stacey is expanding her contributions to CMED by offering her original work on archetypes through a new series of online courses “Archetypes In Depth.”




This is a four-part audio course with a PDF course workbook with eight self-reflective exercises.




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Terms: Due to the nature of this offering, there are no refunds for this purchase.