The Critic

Hi, Everybody –
It’s time for another archetype video. This week, I am doing the critic, a cousin to the judge, but not quite; it has its own characteristics.
When you hear critic, the tendency is to think of being critical or someone who criticizes. The greater aspect of the critic is to be discerning and clear in your evaluation of something beyond any personal bias. However, when we are critical by nature, by archetypal pattern, it has many drawbacks. It can limit your capacity to understand another person more deeply or be open to new ideas and places.
One of the most challenging parts of the critic in the shadow is the inner critic. When your inner critic has completely taken over, and you don’t have the clarity to trust yourself, this becomes a significant spiritual crisis.
You won’t recognize how we are all in this together, that compassion is the opposite of criticism, and that the simplest acts of kindness make all the difference in the world.
I hope you enjoy this, everybody. I’ll see you next week.