The Masculinity No One is Talking About

Hi Everybody.
I just had a wonderful conversation with Matthew Fox about his new Reflections Parallel course “Beyond Patriarchy.” Here are just a few things we discussed:
- How the current patriarchy is not based on a healthy masculinity
- How we can move beyond dualism
- The failure of our education system to value the intuitive mind
- We’re failing as a species – but don’t count us out.
Men can break out of patriarchy and give birth to a new understanding of masculinity. And women, of course, can get into their own healthy power as women. And this return of the goddess in our time is a lead in for that for both women and men. Because men have feminine side of their soul as women have a masculine side to their soul. So we’re all in this together.
We could have gone on forever, but you’ll have a chance to be with him in this class. And I can’t encourage you enough to take this wonderful course. I think we’ve given you, I hope, wonderful reasons to want to join us.
p.s. This brilliant course starts July 11 – please click here to learn more »