We need to wire ourselves back into the collective earth (Video)

Please enjoy this 30 minute excerpt from Caroline’s Reflections Series – Initiations by the Elements.
We are a planet threatening to kill itself. We are holding ourselves hostage with no means out of our own act of dark creation and this has had profound consequences on us and on our nature. We have pushed ourselves to become as unreasonable as humanity can afford to be except if it actually goes through with an act of destruction for which there is no repair. The only other way is for us to make a leap into a level of mystical consciousness, into a level of consciousness in which we pop through our own intellectual arrogance and wire ourselves back into our divine organics, our organic relationship with nature. We need to humble up and wire ourselves back in to the collective earth where we get that we are one with the whole system. Not observers of nature, not domination of nature, but one with nature where we realize everything we do has consequences to the whole nature itself.
Join Caroline at her 2020 Manor House workshop!
Breathe Together – How Healing Yourself Heals the Planet
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