Becoming a Game Changer
Hi Everybody,
Please enjoy the first class from our current Reflections Parallel workshop – “Becoming a Game Changer.” You can sign up for the rest of the course here:
For every Reflections workshop, we share the first session for our audience. Only registered students get access to the full series.
The fear of being powerless, of not having personal choice and decision-making authority, is terrifying. It is also anathema to human nature, as choice is the power through which we co-create the quality of our lives. In this first session, we examine our personal power, especially as it relates to the capacity to make empowered choices.
Here are a few takeaways from this first class:
- Respecting and giving space to the innate power
- The difference between courage and bravery
- Making a difference in the world
- Who do I need to be to be a game changer?
P.S. “Becoming a Game Changer” is in progress!
Please click here to learn more and join »